
Monday, September 30, 2019

Responsibilities and rights of employees and employers Essay

Responsibilities and rights of employees and employers within own area.The law in UK covers the following aspects: Employment law is the body of law which governs the relationship between employers and their employees. A key component therefore of employment law is the employment rights which are bestowed upon both the employee and the employer. The aspects of employment covered by law are: Minimum wage, Hours worked, Discrimination, Health and safety, Holiday entitlements, Redundancy and dismissal, Training, Disciplinary procedures, Union rights and consultation, among many others. Labour law covers the deal between employee and employer. Health and safety laws cover the work conditions, and minimum wage and other laws set basic compensation levels.We also have the Disability Act, Manual Handling Operations and Regulations, Data Protection Act, The Medicine Act, General Social Care Council code 2001, RIDDOR 1995 and more. To protect the rights of employers and employees by providing rules and regulations that must be followed. Employment rights are numerous, but a few of them are likely to have a more significant impact throughout your time of employment. The National Minimum Wage is one of the most basic and most protected rights, establishing a minimum amount that employers must pay per hour to each of their employees. Employment law also makes allowances to prevent employees from being made to work too many hours, while allowing willing employees to work more hours if they wish. Other employment rules give employees rights in redundancy situations, and ensure that they can be free to take part in union activities. You may well have numerous other rights in your employment contract – for example, you may have been promised a greater holiday allowance than the amount allowed by law. Employment law also holds employers (and employees) responsible for living up to the terms established in the employment contract. Employment Law & Workers’ Rights These days, there is an enormous volume of legislation giving special rights and protections to employees in the UK. These employment rights are designed to ensure that all workers are treated equally, fairly and lawfully. Read more: Essay About  Statutory Responsibilities and Rights of Employees and Employers

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Existing Direct Tax System and Proposed Direct Tax Code in India Essay

Tax is defined as a compulsory payment made to the government by the individuals firms and companies without any expectation of a direct return. In general there are two types of tax system prevailing in our country. One is direct tax and other is indirect tax. Here we will restrict our discussion to direct tax only. Direct taxes are those the burden of which cannot be shifted, that is incidence and impact is on the same person. In India the tax law is governed by the finance act. The amendments are brought through budget every year which is issued on the last date of February. There have been various arguments in regard to the complexity of the tax laws. The new tax system which is proposed basically focuses on the principle of equality and simplicity. Instead of having different explanations of tax laws under different umbrellas all the laws will be brought under one head. The new tax system will be highly focused on the matter that the richer should pay heavier tax and vice-versa. For this regard the exemption limit and tax slabs will be expanded higher. Moreover under new taxation laws various taxes like securities transaction tax will also be abolished thus making the code an efficient one. With the new tax code being implemented in India one can expect to have free trade across the length and breadth of the country and peace in the bags of investors. Thus, the new tax system is an attempt to create a system with minimum loopholes of the existing system, thus contributing to the national benefit.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analysis of Optimal Conditional Heteroskedasticity Model

Analysis of Optimal Conditional Heteroskedasticity Model Abstract: Recently cryptocurrency markets have seen an immense growth. Bitcoin is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies accounting for the highest share of all cryptocurrency markets, even though it still remains rather unclear whether it resembles more to a currency, a commodity or an asset. Previous research has shown that Bitcoin is often used for investment purposes, a fact that suggests the importance of analysing its volatility. In this article, we examine the optimal conditional heteroskedasticity model, not only in terms of goodness-of-fit, but also in terms of forecasting performance, an area which has been underexplored in the case of Bitcoin. According to the results, the optimal conditional heteroskedasticity model that can fit the series is not the same as the one that can forecast it better. As modelling GARCH effects in Bitcoin market effectively is crucial for appropriate portfolio management, our results can help investors and other decision makers make more informed decisions. Keywords: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, GARCH, Volatility, Forecasting JEL classification: C22, C5, G1 1. Introduction Over the last few years, the analysis of Bitcoin has drawn a lot of both public and academic attention. Bitcoin is the first implementation of a concept called â€Å"cryptocurrency†, which was first described in 1998 by Wei Dai on the cypherpunks mailing list, suggesting the idea of a new form of money that uses cryptography to control its creation and transactions, rather than a central authority, but the first Bitcoin specification was published in 2009 in a cryptography mailing list by Satoshi Nakamoto ( Bitcoin.org 2017 ). The market of cryptocurrencies has grown remarkably with Bitcoin being considered the most famous cryptocurrency, with an estimated market capitalisation of $ 19.6 billion (coinmarketcap.com accessed on 8th March 2017), which currently accounts for around 84.4% of the total estimated cryptocurrency cap italisation. An overview of Bitcoin can be found in, e.g., Becker et al. (2013), Dwyer (2015), Frisby (2014), Bà ¶hme et al. (2015) and Selgin (2015). Hence, Bitcoin is only briefly introduced here. It has been previously argued that Bitcoin shares some elements of currencies. However, recent fluctuations in Bitcoin prices (see Figure 1) have resulted in unpredictable volatility undermining the role Bitcoin plays as a unit of account (Cheah and Fry 2015), while users have adopted Bitcoin not only as a currency but also for investment purposes. In fact, new users tend to trade Bitcoin on a speculative investment intention basis and have low intention to rely on the underlying network as means for paying goods or services (Glaser et al. 2014). The Bitcoin market is thus highly speculative at present, and therefore Bitcoin may be mostly used as an asset rather than a currency (Baek and Elbeck 2015; Dyhrberg 2016a). Moreover, recent studies have examined the hedging capabilitie s of the Bitcoin (see, e.g., Dyhrberg (2016a, b), justifying the view of it as an asset, as well as the role of different exchanges in the price discovery process of Bitcoin (Brandvold et al. 2015), while it has also been previously shown that cryptocurrency markets share some stylised empirical facts with other markets, e.g., a vulnerability to speculative bubbles (Cheah and Fry 2015). Consequently, Bitcoin has a place in the financial markets and in portfolio management (Dyhrberg 2016a). Bitcoin has posed great challenges and opportunities for policy makers, economists, entrepreneurs, and consumers since its introduction (Dyhrberg 2016b), while Bitcoin price volatility seems to be a major concern for most of the general public at this time (Bouoiyour and Selmi 2016). As a result, studying Bitcoin price volatility is of high importance. Following the extensive literature on modelling financial asset prices using the family of Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskeda sticity (GARCH) models, recently there has also been an increased interest in modelling Bitcoin price volatility using similar methods. Previous studies have used different types of GARCH models when examining the Bitcoin price volatility.For example, the simple GARCH model has been employed by Glaser et al. (2014), Gronwald (2014) and Dyhrberg (2016a). On the other hand, other studies have considered extensions to the GARCH model in order to study asymmetries in Bitcoin price volatility. For instance, the Exponential GARCH (EGARCH) model has been used by Dyhrberg (2016a) and Bouoiyour and Selmi (2015, 2016), the Threshold GARCH (TGARCH) ( GJR-GARCH ) model has been employed by Dyhrberg (2016b), Bouoiyour and Selmi (2015, 2016) and Bouri et al. (2017), while the Asymmetric Power ARCH (APARCH) and Component with Multiple Threshold-GARCH (CMT-GARCH) models have been used by Bouoiyour and Selmi (2015, 2016). Nevertheless, it is rather unclear which conditional heteroskedasticity mo del should be used when studying the Bitcoin price volatility. Previous studies of the Bitcoin price volatility have focused mainly on the use of a single conditional heteroskedasticity model, without comparing different GARCH-type models , though , with the only exceptions being the studies of Bouoiyour and Selmi (2015, 2016), which have split [PK1] the sample into different sub-periods, though , and the study of Katsiampa (2017/forthcomng?), which has not considered the risk-return relationships, though [PK2] . In addition, little attention has been paid to forecasting the volatility of the Bitcoin prices. To the best of the author’s knowledge only the study of Bouoiyour and Selmi (2016) has examined the forecasting performance of the CMT-GARCH and APARCH models, but no study has compared the predictive ability of different GARCH models with regards to Bitcoin. Consequently, we aim to contribute to the literature by investigating which conditional heteroskedasticity mode l can describe and forecast the Bitcoin prices better. The remainder of the article is organised as follows: The next section presents the models employed in this study. The data and methodology used in the study are discussed in the third section, while the fourth section details our empirical results. Finally, the conclusions drawn and the implications are presented in section five. 2. Models In this section, the models used in this research are introduced. The models consist of an Autoregressive model for the conditional mean and a first-order GARCH-type or a GARCH-in-Mean-type model for the conditional variance [1] , as follows , , , where is the Bitcoin price return on day , is the error term, is a white noise process, is the conditional standard deviation, and hence is the conditional variance. When is equal to zero, the resulting model is the autoregressive model with a GARCH-type specification for the conditional variance, while when is different from zero a GARCH-in-Mean-type specification for the conditional variance is obtained. Adding the standard deviation to the mean equation measures the risk and helps with the identification and measurement of any risk-return relationship. The conventional GARCH(1,1) model is represented by , with , and . The GARCH model (Bollerslev 1986) is undoubtedly one of the most popular models for describing the conditional variance of financial returns. Nevertheless, since its introduction, there have been proposed many extensions of the GARCH model and there have been a lot of advances in modelling the conditional variance. Hence in this study, we also consider five extensions to the linear GARCH model, namely the EGARCH model of Nelson (1991), the TGARCH model introduced by Glosten et al. (1993), the APARCH model proposed by Ding et al. (1993), the Component GARCH (CGARCH) model of Engle and Lee (1999) and the Asymmetric CGARCH (ACGARCH) model. All these models constitute example s of extensions of the simple GARCH model and have attempted to describe the conditional variance more accurately. Moreover, compared with the simple GARCH model, the EGARCH, TGARCH and APARCH models allow for different volatility responses to opposite signs of the previous shocks. More specifically, the EGARCH model is defined as , and considers the asymmetric volatility responses to negative news, that is , and positive news, , as given by the sign of , if is different from zero. The TGARCH model is given by , where is the indicator function, with if and 0 otherwise, suggesting that positive shocks and negative shocks have again different effects on the volatility, if is different from 0. On the other hand, the APARCH model is defined as , where , , , and . This model imposes a Box-Cox power transformation of the conditional standard deviation process and the asymmetric absolute residuals (Ding et al. 1993). Furthermore, in contrast with the G ARCH model, the conditional variance of which shows mean reversion to , which is a constant for all time, the CGARCH model allows for both a long-run component of conditional variance, , which is time varying and slowly mean-reverting, and a short-run component, , and is defined as . Christoffersen et al. (2008) demonstrated that by including both a short-run and a long-run component allows the CGARCH model to outperform the GARCH model. Finally, the Asymmetric Component GARCH (ACGARCH) model combines the CGARCH model with the TGARCH model, introducing asymmetric effects in the transitory equation, and takes the following form , where is a dummy variable which indicates negative shocks, while positive values of suggest the presence of transitory leverage effects in the conditional variance. 3. Data and methodology The data consists of daily closing prices for the Bitcoin Coindesk Index from 19 th July 2010 to 10 th January 2017. The estimation sample cover s the period between 19 th July 2017 and 31 st December 2017 leading to a total number of 2357 observations, while the remaining ten observations are used in the forecasting sample. The Bitcoin CoinDesk Index is listed in USD and the data are publicly available online at http://www.coindesk.com/price. The data are converted to natural logarithms, and then the returns are defined as , where is the logarithmic Bitcoin price index change and is the daily Bitcoin price index on day . Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the Bitcoin prices and price returns, respectively, in the estimation period. We start the empirical analysis by producing descriptive statistics for the Bitcoin price returns, while the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit-root tests are also performed to examine the stationarity of the returns. As will be seen in the next section, the results show that the series is stationary. In order to choose the best model in terms of fitting to d ata, three information criteria, namely Akaike (AIC), Bayesian (BIC) and Hannan-Quinn (HQ), are employed. For given data sets, all of these information criteria consider both how good the fitting of the model is and how many parameters there are in the model, rewarding a better fitting and penalising an increased number of parameters. The preferred model is the one with the respective minimum criterion value. However, since model selection is often not only based on a model’s goodness-of-fit to data, but also on forecasting performance, it is important to also check the models’ predictive ability, as a better fitting model does not always lead to better forecasts. Hence, the best model specification in terms of forecasting is selected according to the Root Mean Squared Forecasting Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Forecasting Error (MAE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Forecasting Error (MAPE), all of which are used as measures of forecasting performance. Although the RMSE is one of the most commonly used measures of predictive ability, the additional measures have been used in order to verify the results. [2] The models’ forecasting performance is evaluated based on out-of-sample forecasts, and model selection is examined in terms of both multi-step-ahead and multiple 1-step-ahead forecasting. The preferred model is the one with the lowest values of the measures of predictive ability. Fig. 1 . Daily closing prices of the Coindesk Bitcoin Index (US Dollars). Fig. 2 . Daily Bitcoin price returns. 4. Results Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics for the daily returns of the Bitcoin price index. The daily average closing return is positive and equal to 0.5805% with a standard deviation of 0.0606. Moreover, the returns are positively skewed, indicating that it is more likely to observe large positive returns, and leptokurtic as a result of significant excess kurtosis. The Jarque-Bera (JB) test confirms the departure from normality, while the results of the ARCH(5) test for conditional heteroskedasticity show evidence of ARCH effects in the returns of the Bitcoin price index. Therefore the Autoregressive model for the conditional mean needs to be combined with an Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity process to model the conditional variance. It can be noticed that the ARCH effects can also be observed from Figure 2 where large (small) price changes tend to be followed by large (small) price changes over time. Furthermore, the results from both the Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron unit root tests indicate that stationarity is ensured. Table 1. Descriptive statistics and unit roots tests. Panel A: Descriptive statistics Observations 2357 Mean 0.005805 Median 0.000741 Maximum 0.528947 Minimum -0.388309 Std. Dev. 0.060607 Skewness 0.873024 Kurtosis 15.64823 JB 16010.55*** ARCH(5) 56.56059*** Panel B: Unit root test statistics ADF -46.90888*** PP -47.56848*** Note: *** indicates the rejection of the null hypotheses at the 1% level. Next, the estimation results of the GARCH-type models are discussed. The conditional mean equation includes a constant and an autoregressive term, while the conditional variance is modelled by various competing GARCH models. The model parameters are estimated by using the maximum likelihood approach under the Gaussian distribution. Table 2 presents the estimation results of each model. These include the model parameter estimates, the log-likelihood values and the three information criteria values. In addition, the ARCH(5) test to check whether the conditional heteroskedasticity is eliminated and the Ljung-Box test for autocorrelation with 10 lags applied to squared residuals, as well as the Jarque-Bera (JB) test of norm ality of the residuals have been used as diagnostic tests, the results of which are also reported in Table 2. According to the results, both the AIC and HQ information criteria select the AR(1)-ACGARCH(1,1) model as the preferred model in terms of fitting to data, followed by the AR(1)-CGARCH(1,1)-M and AR(1)-CGARCH(1,1) models, suggesting the important role of having both long-run and short-run components of conditional variance. The log-likelihood is also maximised under the AR(1)-ACGARCH(1,1) model. On the other hand, the preferred model according to the BIC is the AR(1)-CGARCH(1,1), followed by the AR(1)-ACGARCH(1,1) model. The latter result could be explained, though, by the fact that the BIC penalises more a higher number of model parameters, and hence the selection of the AR(1)-ACGARCH(1,1) model seems appropriate. It can also be noticed that for the AR(1)-ACGARCH(1,1) model all the parameter estimates are statistically significant. Moreover, the results of the ARCH(5) an d tests applied to the squared residuals of the AR(1)-ACGARCH(1,1) model indicate that the selected AR(1)-ACGARCH(1,1) model with Gaussian distribution is correctly specified because the hypotheses of no remaining ARCH effects and no autocorrelation cannot be rejected. Furthermore, despite the fact that the residuals still depart from normality, the value of the Jarque-Bera statistic associated with the residuals of the AR(1)-ACGARCH(1,1) model is much lower than the corresponding value for the raw returns. Consequently, the AR-ACGARCH model seems to be useful to describe the volatility of the returns of the Bitcoin price index. This result seems to be consistent with the study of Bouoiyour and Selmi (2016) [PK3] who found that the best model for the period from December 2010 to December 2014 is the CMT-GARCH model, which also includes both transitory and permanent components as well as thresholds related to positive and negative shocks. With regards to the out-of-sample for ecasting performance, the five- and ten-day-ahead forecasts as well as the five and ten 1-day-ahead forecasts of the twelve competing GARCH-type models were generated. We then compared the models’ forecasting performance based on the three mean loss functions (RMSE, MAE and MAPE). Table 3 reports the obtained results, while the bold numbers indicate the best model in terms of forecast accuracy. An interesting finding is that overall the information criteria for model selection in terms of goodness-of-fit do not agree with the measures of predictive ability. Even though the minimum RMSE values of the 10-step-ahead and ten 1-step-ahead forecasts were both given for the AR-CGARCH model, a result which is consistent with the Bayesian Information Criterion, the results of the other two measures of predictive ability (MAE and MAPE) showed that there are other models that perform better than the AR-ACGARCH and AR-CGARCH models when it comes to forecasting. More specifically, the minimum RMSE values of the 5-step-ahead and five 1-step-ahead forecasts were both given for the AR-EGARCH-M model. On the other hand, the lowest MAE and MAPE values of the 5- and 10-step-ahead forecasting as well as those of the five 1-step-ahead forecasting were all given for the AR-EGARCH model. The lowest MAE value of the ten 1-step-ahead forecasting was also given for the AR-EGARCH model, while the lowest MAPE value of the ten 1-step-ahead forecasting was given for the AR-APARCH-M model. In summary, according to our estimation results the AR-ACGARCH model is preferred to the other competing models in terms of volatility estimates for the returns. However, the preferred model in terms of forecasting is overall the AR-EGARCH. This result is crucial for portfolio management and decision making in general by individuals who use Bitcoin for speculative purposes. Finally, it should be noted that the model parameters were estimated under the Student- t and GED distributions as well, but as there was no improvement in either the goodness-of-fit or forecasting performance, the results are not reported here. [3] This is in contrast with the results of the study of Bouri et al. (2017) who found that the TGARCH(1,1) model under the GED density is the best fit. 5. Conclusions Over the last few years cryptocurrency markets have grown to a great extent, with Bitcoin having attracted a lot of attention from both the public and researchers. This article aimed to offer a discussion into Bitcoin price volatility by selecting an optimal GARCH-type model in terms of both goodness-of-fit to data and forecasting performance chosen among several extensions. It was found that even though the best model in terms of goodness-of-fit is the AR-ACGARCH, a result which is consistent with previous studies [PK4] , with regards to forecasting performance the best model seems to be overall the AR-EGARCH. Consequently, if the objective is to find the best model in terms of pr edictive ability, model selection based on information criteria only might not be adequate. As Bitcoin can combine some of the advantages of both commodities and currencies in the financial markets (Dyhrberg 2016a), it can be a useful tool for portfolio analysis and risk management. Hence, individuals in portfolio and risk management need to get a more detailed view of the Bitcoin price volatility. Our results may thus have important implications mainly for investors but also for other decision makers, such as policymakers, as they can enable them to make more informed decisions.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Israel-Palestine Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Israel-Palestine Conflict - Essay Example Hence, religion in its sense serves the role of rallying masses into deeming together with their leaders (like Fatah) while agitating adheres to what its statutes dictates, which is quite untrue1. Political issues have characterized this conflict though leaders try to incline on religion to attain their goals, which is evident in the case of Hamas who despite winning legally internal officials assumed diverse stands. This implies religion in this case encompasses pulling masses’ support but at the top its purely politics that will continue to paralyze the state’s affairs. I agree with you in arguing if the region desires peace ought to back Hamas for the international community to have a legal platform to intervene. I agree with you the conflict that characterizes Israel-Palestinians sour relationship its basis is not purely religion but instigators incline to blaming it citing as the source of differences between the two sides. They use creed as a scapegoat into undert aking their evil actions, which is also evident globally in form of malicious attacks. However, instigators of these conflicts are only out to realize their political interests but hoodwink the masses into deeming religion is the key reason and ought to protect it even if it implies dying in the process.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

International Trade Operations in US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Trade Operations in US - Essay Example According to the study findings international buyers who do not have US dollars as their local currency would have to go through the cumbersome process of having to convert their currencies to US dollars whenever they want to do business with you. The excesses in the procedure may just be one reason that someone may prefer other competitors to you. Again, the differences in exchange rate between the local currencies of international buyers and the US dollars will cause price flatuations. It is very likely that the price of good for each particular day will have to change because of changes in exchange rate. This, according to Gibbons creates currency swing, where by the customer may have to build in a 10-15% "adverse currency swing" factor. Conversely, quoting the US dollars may be very desirable when dealing with buyers who already deal in US dollars. It is common k knowledge that a lot of buyers around the world today are into the use of the US dollars. This is because it ensures u niformity in quantum price of goods and products. Again, quoting in US dollars very advisable for smaller companies with limited human resource as Gibbons, notes that â€Å"you may not have the ability to assume the currency risk, the currency exchange costs and the effort needed to run pricing in local currency.† Regarding quotation of prices in local currencies, once prices are quoted in local currencies and not in US dollars for international buyers, whose local currencies are not the US dollars would not have to create any price hedge to cater for the prices of goods. This is a major advantage for dealing with international buyers. This is because the duty of having to convert prices into US dollars and also having to go through the exchange processes, which sometimes attracts extra cost from banks would all be avoided. In would be observed that because pricing in US dollars creates price fluctuations, local buyers are often forced to hedge for the price of goods so that they will not have to be changing their expenditures so often. The converse demerit with pricing in local currency is that there would have to be a different price of same goods when they move from one country to the other. In this case, it is likely that by the time all sales are completed and the seller converts his earnings back to a common currency, there may be some little price falls because of the differences in US dollar rates in different countries (Colacito and Croce, 2011). Rate parity theory and how it is used to predict future exchange rates According to Forex Karma (2010), â€Å"Interest Rate Parity (IPR) theory is used to analyze the relationship between at the spot rate and a corresponding forward (future) rate of currencies.† The theory operates on a number of principles that makes it possible to predict future exchange rates. First, Picardo (2012) writes that â€Å"the basic premise of interest rate parity is that hedged returns from investing in different currencies should be the same, regardless of the level of their interest rates.† This means that future predictions of exchange rate can be made if returns on rate hedging remain constant. This is because in such as situation, both the exchange rate and interest rate do not have any influence on one another. The second has to do with the quote rates of interest rate and currency rates. This is because

Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9

Technology - Essay Example In case the private body functions in a public capacity and it is owned, controlled and funded by the state, then it should be considered as a public body. However, a private corporation is subject to the FOIA request when they utilize public funding under the conditions that the entity performs the functions of the government, government is involved in regulation, and when the entity is formed by the government. Also, the federal standards should not be used in determining the public funding by the private corporation, and the criteria by FOIL should come into play in matters related to the functioning of the private agency (Halstuk & Bill, 2006). The traditional privatization approaches of the public services can be approached in a perspective which considers government as hierarchical and ineffective, and that it involves both benefits and difficulties while importing efficiency and flexibility in the corporate world to provide for the public services. Bring the for-profit corporation to the delivery of the traditional government services is contentious. Some of the questions that may arise are whether the state can be sued along the private corporation and whether the government actors are entitled to immunities. The two partnerships can be of considerable legal work and to untangle. Youth detention centers and private prisons are under control of the government entities, such that more money is realized by having more inmates (Silverman, 2007). On the other hand, the economic difficulties facing the private sector in using the public funds for the non-traditional services is caused by the reassessment of the priorities for county and municipal governments. Government is faced with problems when trying to balance services to the community and the declining tax revenues (Halstuk & Bill, 2006). Fraud, waste, abuse and corruption are problems in government programs. FWAC in small businesses led to Nancy Pelosi, who was the house speaker instructed

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Management - Essay Example Motosuzhou is looking for technical and training opportunities from developed countries such as US. However, the negotiation failed as the negotiation teams failed to come on common grounds due to communication and trust issues. This case study aims to discuss the dissimilarities between both the cultures and how this impacted the negotiation process. Furthermore, this case study would move on to evaluate the reasons for the failure of the negotiation team and how this was impacted by the composition of the team. In the end, the case study would provide strategic alternatives and recommendations for this particular case. What are the main characteristics of Chinese culture? How do they differ from the predominant characteristics of U.S culture? How do these differences relate to the negotiation process? Chinese culture is a culture quite different from that of the American culture. Chinese culture relies on eastern values and traditions while the American culture is more modernized a nd relies of western values. Often these cultures come at a clash with each other due to the inherent differences in the way people within these cultures interact (Lee, Yang and Graham, 2006). The concept of Guanxi is very important for the Chinese. It relates to the building of a network within the business circle. This relationship is built upon mutual obligations that are not necessarily spoken among the people but these obligations are implied and known. Guanxi is developed usually among the Chinese people and foreigners are not included within this network due to cultural and language differences. The Guanxi is a powerful tool among the Chinese to develop trust among each other and to get the job done with minimal issues. In the case of negotiating with foreigners such as the Americans, Guanxi is not present. This means that the negotiation process lacks one of the basic elements and this makes negotiation considerably difficult (Pye, 1982). Trust is also another aspect of the Chinese culture. The Chinese must trust the other person they are dealing with before they sign an agreement with him. Trust is cultivated by spending time together and by belonging to the network. However, the Americans take on a direct approach. They use the law as a means of dealing with untrustworthy people. In the negotiation process, the Chinese take on a slower approach to negotiation as compared to the Americans (Tung, 1982). The Chinese is formal culture as opposed to the informality found within the American culture. The formality within relationships does not imply that the Chinese are pretentious or false. In the Chinese culture, expressing one’s emotion on the face is considered impolite behavior and thus the Chinese have a method of masking their emotions of hurt, anger, frustration behind a mask of neutrality. The Americans on the other hand, are forthcoming with their emotions and they believe in direct expressing of their emotions. While the Americans rely on direct words to convey their message, the Chinese are usually subtle in expressing their thoughts and opinions (Ghauri and Fang, 2001). In a negotiation process, the Americans go about by laying down the basic principles and demands. Once these demands and principles are acknowledged, they move on to the next phase of the negotiation process. In the Chinese culture, people wish to develop mutual understanding and trust before beginning the negotiation p

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Child Development 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Child Development 2 - Essay Example There are four significant developmental stages that correspond to the ages of 18 months, 7 years, 11 years and above 11 years. The ages correspond to the sensi-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational and formal operational stages of acquiring knowledge and skills (Atherton, 2011). Thus, certain tasks are not achievable until children reach a certain developmental stage regardless of how intelligent a child appears to be. Of all Piaget’s ideas, assimilation and accommodation are considered most significant (Atherton, 2011). These two processes are complementary and describe how anything in the external world is internalized by an individual. In assimilation, anything that is perceived in the environment is made to fit into stereotypes or preconceived notions. Accommodation is the process of accommodating the mind to what has been assimilated. Piaget’s theory was significant because it gave general ideas of cognitive development and points to the relationship of env ironment and the child. Piaget was the first to point out the importance of transformation in cognition (Gelman, 1979). The major criticism is that the theory is very rigid. The capacity of children for logical thinking of abstract events can be achieved earlier than age 11, and some people take longer to achieve the formal operational stage.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gillette Companys Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gillette Companys Marketing Plan - Essay Example Gillette is such one brand of this corporation. It is a brand of safety razors and other personal hygiene range of products. The razors of this company protect the skin from all parts of the razor except the edge alone. The skin is in contact with the edge of the razor alone. This is as opposed to cut-throat razors also called straight razors. Here, the skin is contact with the whole of the razor. A safety razor reduces the risk of injury to the skin. That is the reason why they are preferred by men for shaving. Gillette used to be a company on its own. It was started in 1895 (Bonoma 56). The founder was King C. Gillette. He named the company after himself. It used to deal with a range of consumer goods, the safety razors included. However, in the year 2005, more than a century after been founded, the company was acquired by Procter & Gamble (Bonoma 57). That is how it ended up been a brand of this multinational corporation. It is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. It no longer exists as a company now, but as a brand. Not only does Gillette produce safety razors for shaving, it also has a range of other products. It produces antiperspirants, hair care and body products. Its products are aimed for grooming, especially in males. It has Gillette shave gel and after shave (Cundiff 98). These products are designed to make the shaving experience for the man as comfortable as possible. Gillette's anti-deodorant is said to be of clinical status. The hair products are also designed for the man (Bonoma 25). They include stylers, shampoos and hair conditioners. It also has a wide range of shower gels for men (Ferrell 56). They include those aimed for dry skin, oily and normal skin. They also include face wash gels for men. The gels were hitherto thought to be the preserve of women. Target Market for Gillette Products The target market for Gillette Company products is the young men aged between sixteen and thirty-four years (Cundiff 36). The grooming products especially are targeted at this age bracket. Gillette has aggressive promotional campaigns aimed at this group. The challenge is to convince these men that grooming is not the preserve of women. It used to sponsor a soccer game every Saturday in the 1990's. This was called Soccer Saturday. It was aired by Sky Sports Channel (Ferrell 98). An average of one million young males watched this program in the year 2005-2006. This was an average of one million every month. This made up around a quarter of the target population for the Gillette products (Bonoma 98). Gillette has used Soccer Saturday to not only market the existing brands, but also as a launching pad for new products (Ferrell 78). This is what happened when the company introduced Mach3, Turbo and M3Power range of products. In terms of market growth, the company's products continue to enjoy popularity amongst the target population. They are the most famous. Gillette is likely to remain the leader in this market. A SWOT Analysis of Gillette Company Strengths Gillette Company has obvious strengths that work to its advantage. These are internal factors that help it to remain the most popular company in this area. First, the company is managed by qualified professionals (Cundiff 45). The staffs are also highly qualified professionals in their field. For a company to be productive, every sector must be headed by a qualified person. Every department in this company is headed by a quali

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Elements of Marketing Essay Example for Free

Elements of Marketing Essay There are several views and definition of marketing. The most widely accepted definition is that of the American Marketing Association, the professional organization for marketing practitioners and educators, which defines marketing as â€Å"the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives† Elements of Marketing Marketing Research Marketing is by definition a process of planning and executing to meet consumer needs. It understands what are actual consumer wants and needs. Marketing research is the process in which collection of data by systematically helps to identify consumer’s needs. The Four Ps The heart of marketing strategy is the development of a response to market palace. Marketing by definition explains the concept of execution, pricing, promotion and right placement of goods, ideas and services. To respond to customers, a good organization develop product according to willingness of its purchaser, identify appropriate place for availability and finally and promote its product to create familiarity in its customers mind. Product, Price, Place and promotions are four Ps of marketing which are use many organizations to define its marketing strategy. Product: Product represents goods, services, or ideas offered by a firm. Price: Price focuses on what customers are willing to pay for services. What price actually suits to consumer to buy goods? A company provides good or services and a customer willing to exchange dollars to satisfy its needs. Place: Place represents the way or specific area in which company will distribute its goods or provide services to its customers. This decision company takes after careful and effective marketing research. Promotion: The final P represents promotion. Historically it is renowned with advertisement which is mean marketing. Promotions activities involve creating awareness in consumers mind to understand how they can meet their needs. Second approach is to define STP’s STP (segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) Segmentation: It is Process of dividing the market according to similarities that exist among the various subgroups within the market. The similarities may be common characteristics or common needs and desires. One of the main reasons for using market segmentation is to help companies to better understand the needs of a specific customer base. Mass marketing assumes that all customers are the same and will respond to the same advertising. By looking at ways in which potential customer groups are different from each other, the marketing message can be better targeted to the needs and wants of those people. Market segmentation strategies that meet these criteria can cover wide range of consumer characteristics. Subsets may be defined by basic demographics like age, race, or gender, for example. Other qualities, like educational background or income can also be used, as can location. Some of the potentially most powerful variables by which to segment a market are behavioral ones, including social class, lifestyle, and interests.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ready-Made Garments (RMG) Sector Of Bangladesh

Ready-Made Garments (RMG) Sector Of Bangladesh Introduction: Entirely export oriented Ready-Made Garments (RMG) sector of Bangladesh has experienced a noteworthy enhancement since its commencement in last half of 1970s. Strangely enough, though this major industry is now totally based on private entrepreneurial efforts, its inauguration was rooted into an export consignment of Shirt which was done by Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB), the state operated trading agency, in mid ‘70s. The export consignment held with some East-European countries. However, the entrance of private entrepreneurs in this sector gifted it with a tremendous boost. Background: Reformed domestic policy and the international Multi-Fiber Agreement (MFA) are the key procedures that ameliorated the condition of Bangladeshi RMG export (Quddus and Rashid, 2000). In the decade of ‘80s, Bangladesh adopted a modification in national economic policy to run its economy under the tutelage of World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZ) channeled foreign direct investment in this sector (Bhattacharya, et al., 2001, p.2-26). Money-spinning facilities like cash assistance, income tax rebate, freight and power rate rebate, tax holiday, loans at lower rate, provision of back to back Letter of Credit (LC), guarantee scheme for export credit, decreasing interest rate in export credit, reducing harbor charges, bond facilities for warehouse, duty free imports of raw materials and productive machineries, were offered to export oriented RMG industries (Mayumi, 2004) The MFA was an agreement of World Trade Organization (WTO), done in 1974 which set quotas for export of textile and garments related products from the developing countries (Rahman, 2004). Under this agreement, USA and Canada, the then largest RMG importers, imposed quota restrictions and maintained a limit in importing products from countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, Sri-Lanka, India, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia. Moreover, some countries had also major internal problems, like, sudden increase in labor cost in Sri-Lanka (Siddiqui, 2003). As a result, for minimizing the cost, the importers started looking for alternative sources and Bangladesh became a lucrative source for them for facilities like low labor cost and large export quotas (Wigg, 1990, p.154-159). Bangladesh received preferential treatment by USA and European Union, as a less developed country. Paradoxically, within 1985, Bangladesh appeared as a giant in international apparel sector and beca me a major competitor for the suppliers in USA, Canadian and European market. Thus, the bed rock of this major industry of Bangladesh was set down and slowly gradually this industry has become the core of the national economy. Later, RMG sector also received other facilities like Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) from USA and UK. Major problems of RMG industry of Bangladesh: In spite of being the main source of the money stream in internal economy of Bangladesh, the Ready-Made Garments sector is in continuous threat by some major and crucial factors. As a result, the whole sector is in risk and in a volatile situation which may disgracefully collapse the whole sector as well as the country’s economy. These problems or threats can be categorized in following sections: Critical political condition In-apt workers Lack of proper in-work precautionary security measures Workers Dissatisfaction i. Critical political condition: Internal political instability and security threats due to such instable condition has become a serious concern for the RMG industry. If we focus on recent situation, only during the political unrest in October and November, 2013, this industry had to count a loss of minimum TK. 2000 corer and orders worth $2.40 million were cancelled by the buyer only in first ten days of December, 2013. Moreover, due to the rail-road blockade, the exporters had to do air shipment which also compelled them to bear an extra expense of $0.9 million. For delayed shipment the exporters experienced a price cut by $4.65 million as orders valuing $6.6 million were supplied in delay (Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha, December 12, 2013). ii. In-apt worker: Bangladesh is now a major competitor in international RMG market. This makes it compulsory to maintain the quality of the product. Quality control in production unit largely depends on time to time training and workshop programs organized for the workers. But, ironically, such initiatives are absent in Bangladesh. As a result, the qualities of the products are degrading which sometimes result in cancellation of the consignment and creates a negative image in the international market. iii. Lack of proper in-work precautionary security measures: The most serious issue regarding the RMG sector of Bangladesh is most of the factories lack proper safety measures against any unwanted perils. This is making the working zone immensely risky which also violates the rules and regulations of International Labor Organization (ILO). Such irresponsible attitude of the factory owners is the key reason behind many accidents in recent years which have taken great tolls of life. In past 11years, approximately 730 workers were blazed and killed and about 4700 workers were injured in several fire accidents in garments factories. The amount of deaths and casualties in building collapse is numerous. Only in the building collapse on April 24, 2013 of Rana Plaza in Savar, 1,130 people were reported to be dead and approximately 2,515 injured people were reported to be rescued from the building (New Age, April, 2013). Continuous accidents like Spectrum Sweater Industries, Phoenix Garments, Smart Export Garments, Tazreen Fashion, Garib Garib, Matrix Sweater, Ha-Meem Group and many more has made the foreign buyers too much concerned about the issue. iv. Workers Dissatisfaction: The RMG sector has faced several incidents of strikes by the workers for the issue of inadequate payment. The workers belong to the lower income group of the society. Although, this sector is the backbone of the country’s economy, the radar of the sector, the workers, are not even paid the minimum to keep their heart and soul together. The sector became volatile due to labor unrest for the first time in 2006 and since then it has become a regular phenomenon. In 2006 the unrest condition was mitigated by discussion with the labor representatives and the minimum pay rate was decided to be Tk. 1662.50. But the agitation aroused again in 2010 and the rate was revised to Tk. 3000 per month which came into effect in November 2010 (The Daily Star Forum, August 2012). But, if we consider the current inflation and living cost, the logical minimum wage should be higher. According to Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD), the minimum wage of a worker is shown below: Issues Tk. Daily Food Costs (average of male and female) 108 Monthly Food Costs 3240 Monthly Non-Food Costs (52% of total cost as per the FGD) 3510 Food + Non Food Costs 6750 Required Monthly Minimum Wage=(Food costs + Non-food costs) 6750 *Moazzem, K.G. and Raz, S., 2013, Revision of the minimum wage in RMG sector, pp.28. Conclusion: In current perspective, RMG sector is the lifeblood of the economy of Bangladesh. Both GDP and GNP depend on this sector. As a result, for the betterment of the national economy it’s must to strive to alleviate the problems of this sector. Moreover, the sector currently employs about 4.2 million workers whose fate directly depends on the existence of RMG sector. References: Moazzem, K.G. and Raz, S., 2013. Revision of the minimum wage in RMG sector, pp.28 Mridha, R.U., 2012, Causes of RMG unrest. The Daily Star Forum, [internet] August  Available at: http://archive.thedailystar.net/forum/2012/August/rmg.htm  [Accessed 4 March 2014] Alamgir, M. and Haque, M., 2013. RMG workers killed in fires, factory collapses in 11 years. The Daily New Age, [internet] 25 April  Available at: http://www.newagebd.com/detail.php?date=2013-04-25nid=47200  [Accessed 4 March 2014]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

I. GREEN FLOAT PROJECT The world’s first floating nation is set to be located in the islands of Kirabati. The islands are quickly sinking due to rising sea levels. Currently they are located only six feet above the sea level. Actions are being taken to save the islands by literally placing the current islands onto reconstructed man-made islands and building a city in the sky on top. Anote Tong, president of Kiribati, knows that this plan is drastic but he feels it is necessary to save the islands. Kiribati has invested in many other initiatives to stop the impending fate of the nation, though due to lack of funding he has not been able to implement them. He believes a project like this will attract international funding because it is a sustainable solution that will work not only for Kiribati but for other similarly situated areas. A cutting edge Japanese company called Shimuzu Corp. came up with this ambitious plan to prevent the impending loss of Kiribati. The project is being called the city in the sky as well as the green float project. The costs are estimated to be upwards of three hundred and seventeen billion dollars. Future units are going to become cheaper overtime. Each tower unit will be built to house thirty thousand people, and will also provide space for commercial activities. The units are going to be able to be connected to accommodate a combined one hundred thousand people. The base of the islands will be constructed with impenetrable materials that need little maintenance but are extremely costly. These man-made islands are referred to as lily pads. They will be three thousand meters wide and one thousand meters tall. The bases of the islands will be completely secured; they are set ... ...lar to receiving a reward for contributing green energy into the grid, the May initiative gives rewards for people who in their private property develop facilities and other means to accommodate excess water. Similar in certain respects to the LiFe project, this initiative is different in that property owners do it completely individually. The government would reward or compensate people for their capacity to control water on their property. Some examples of initiatives that will be rewarded will be homeowners with large areas of permeable land, reservoirs, and many more. This initiative will not only help with flood relief but also will result in education about climate change. It will give people a reason to become responsible for their actions and become conscious of their actions climatically. Monetary rewards will bring interest into joining the initiative.

John Steinbeck’s The Leader of the People Essays -- essays research pa

â€Å"The Leader of the People†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In John Steinbeck’s â€Å"The Leader of the People,† a theme that is portrayed throughout the story is that of the contrast between dream and reality. In the story, Grandfather cannot come to grasp that his dreams of the West and moving across the plains are over and that reality has set in. Another story that contrasts dream and reality is Ambrose Pierce’s â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.† In this story, Farquhar cannot tell the difference between dream and reality until the very last second, when he is hanged.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plot in each of the stories is completely different, but both add to the theme of the contrast between dream and reality. In â€Å"The Leader of the People,† Grandfather returns to his daughter’s farm, where he is disliked by his son-in-law for his story telling. This is where he is dreaming of the past and what a great time he had. However, after hearing his son-in-law badmouth him, he comes to the realization that his dream is over and reality has set in. In â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,† Farquhar is dreaming when he is escaping from the Union soldiers, however his dreams crash down when he is thrown over the bridge and dies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a strong contrast in character in â€Å"The Leader of the People.† Carl is the reality that is trying to bring Grandfather back down to earth to see clearly. Carl is   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   thinking about the future and not dreaming of the past. Grandfather on the other hand still wishes he was with the Indians and was leading the people across the plains, as he tells in his stories. He does not want to give up on that until he hears Carl talk about him behind his back. This seems to bring him into reality once he realizes that no one cares about his adventures anymore. He portrays this when Jody suggests that he too lead the people. Grandfather simply responds that there is nowhere left to explore and that he should not lead the people. In â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,† Farquhar is a character that does not give up easily. He wants to escape and when he dreams he does, he believes it. He is hard to bring out of his dreams. The character that brings him into reality are the Union soldiers who hang him. They are they ones that take his hopes and dreams away from him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The setting in â€Å"The Leader of the People† is in the West after ... ...ir lives in the past. Grandfather only speaks of the times he had while crossing the plains, fighting with the Indians, and leading the people. He is also critical of people who believed that being a hero and leader was being able to fight the Indians, but Grandfather comes to the realization that he was a real leader when the people he was with trusted him. Pierce’s   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   tone in the story was a very serious one in which he championed the fight shown by the South and there struggle to fight for what they believed in, only to be taken down by the Union. These tones both add to the theme because the attitude taken by the author to the story they are writing tells what they are trying to portray.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both Steinbeck and Pierce were writing about the contrast between dreams and realities in their modern worlds. Grandfather wishes for when he was on top of the world and Farquhar wishes to be back at home, safe and sound with his family. Both men are brought back into reality by the characters around them. They accept the facts that they will never again be able to back to where they were on top and ruling the world, in their minds.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dufays Piece for Peace: an Ironic Battle Between Structure and Word Es

Dufay's Piece for Peace: an Ironic Battle Between Structure and Word On April 8, 1433, the Pope Eugenius and Sigismundus, King of the Romans, united to sign a treaty of peace. The king was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and there was much celebration. To commemorate this joyful occasion, Guillame Dufay wrote the motet "Supremum est mortalibus bonum" ("The highest good for mortals is peace"), including the names of these two honored men in his great sustained chords near the piece's conclusion (Bent, CD notes). Dufay's main text is shared by his top two voices, the triplum and motetus, and is divided into two stanzas. The first 12 lines comprising the first stanza speak of the benefit of peace to men of all classes and of the freedom and joy it brings to the natural world. The second stanza, encompassing the final 8 lines, prays for the eternity of peace and praises Eugenius and Sigismundus, the envoys of peace. Dufay carefully sets these words to music, colorfully painting their meanings before our eyes through his rich melodic lines. Ironically, however, as he also struggles to bring isorhythmic structure and support to his work, he battles between text and design, foregoing a sense of peace to create a curious collage of his musical ideas. Dufay's motet is of isorhythmic design, employing a repeating tenor line that moves slowly beneath the other parts, functioning as a foundation for the work. As noted by Grout, isorhythmic motets have tenors built up of colors (the "repeating series of pitches") and talea (the "long recurring rhythmic unit").1 Dufay's tenor has six 15 bar units of a certain talea. His piece is curious, for we could interpret it as having two colors, since the entire melodic line of the tenor repeats only o... ... the last three measures of the work's introduction, bringing the motet full circle. The last two beats of bar 119 tease us with odd tension and dissonance on the final "men," which is peacefully resolved on the final cadence of bar 120. (Play Example 12) With "Supremum est Mortalibus bonum" Dufay has created a piece that lavishly illustrates text while also employing fauxbourdon and isorhythmic design. With so many competing forces fighting to be displayed and heard, Dufay's work about peace is ironically at war with itself. Though a fine composition on all these levels, a careful listening and analysis leaves us feeling unsettled and certainly not at peace! Works Cited: 1Grout, Donald J. and Claude V. Palisca, A History of Western Music, (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1996) 104-105. 2 The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Vol. F, 434.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Modernism, Erich Heckel and Primitive Art Essay

The names Erich Heckel and Die Brucke are inseparable in the world of art. It is not without a fair amount of controversy that this artistic movement is regarded though. Heckel, and others were more interested in the primitive form of art which they thought to be purer than the more modern realistic style that had evolved in Europe at the time. But how did the ‘primitive’ art of Africa and other areas affect the style of this movement during a particularly restless political climate in Europe? We will discuss this with reference to the work of Erich Heckel, one of the artists who contributed to the movement greatly during its short life. Die Brucke (The Bridge) was an artistic movement that congregated before the first World War. It was founded by four architecture students in Dresden. Together with Die Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider), Die Brucke represented German Expressionism which later was banned by the Nazi’s as ‘degenerate’ art [1]. It was the national equivalent of the French Fauves who wished to present a more modernistic and free form of art. It was in early Nazi Germany that degenerate art or ‘entartete kunst’ made Die Brucke a ridiculed artistic movement. Some of the artists banned from activity included Marc Chagall, Max Ernst and Wassily Kandinsky who were all particular members of the then German Expressionist movement [2]. The primary reason for this banning had been due to one aspect in its entirety: primitivism. In the case of Marc Chagall, his inspiration came from a certain spirituality that was involved in the process of creating art and primitive symbolism gave him just that link to spirituality he needed to express himself [2]. Chagall, as one of the modernist painters had been born in Russia into a Jewish family and even though he was not German, he was exiled to the United States after Germany occupied France. Paul Klee was another of the German Expressionist who was ridiculed as an artist because of the primitive nature of his work. Klee was a Swiss born artist who was extremely serious about pushing the boundaries of art, something Nazi Germany definitely did not encourage. The primitive symbolism is particularly visible in paintings such as Fish Magic (1925), oil and aquarelle color [4: p 2834]. Klee uses the heavy stylization and cubism to convey an environment that is much more complicated in its meaning than its composition. There is an element of surrealism also conveyed in this piece, where a clock is displayed amidst the floating fish and cubist inspired people. A conjugation of cubism and surrealism is visible but there is also an aspect of Cezanne with the conical vases suspended around the picture. Death and Fire (1940) is another extremely primitive piece and has elements of the South American Indians such as the Inca [4: p 2841]. Franc Marc melded primitive figures with cubism and bright colors. Tower of Blue Horses (1913), revealed a recurring theme in his work. For Marc, the color blue was a deep spiritual color while horses were a Biblical symbol of the apocalypse [5]. As a member of Die Blaue Reiter, his consciousness was fixated on animalistic painting which he believed depicted the organic structure of the world [5: p 2985]. Despite being declined as an artist in Germany, his work is extremely beautiful. Edvard Munch shifted from Norway to Germany but his exhibition was quickly shut down in Berlin. He could be seen as one of the forerunners to primitivism in art and therefore not popular in Germany. Munch’s best known work is possibly The Scream (1893) whose primitive nature is extremely evident not only in the brushstrokes but also in the treatment of the subject itself [6: p 2352]. Some of his work, as opposed to Marc, is not beautiful, but grotesque and indicative of the tormented self. Wassily Kandinsky is possibly the most interesting of the ‘degenerate’ artists. He was not only affected by the Russian revolution, but later also the Nazi invasion. His version of primitivism came in his obsession with geometry, similar to Marc. Composition VIII (1923), is literally a composition of geometric shapes. The colors are bright and dispersed around the entire picture. Some blocks of color are textured, but most of it is matte and smooth color. Erich Heckel, as a founder member of Die Brucke was born in Dobeln in 1883. Most of Heckel’s figures were in fact two dimensional versions of African sculptures. From equatorial Africa, down towards Southern Africa, sculptures was used symbolically most often for religious purposes. Heckel had been very interested in one particular room at the Brucke studio which was filled with cloths, wood-carvings and furniture obtained in Africa and the ‘South Seas’. He began studying at the Museum of Ethnology in Dresden to increase his understanding of the ‘primitive’ art [9]. His woodcut entitled Women (1913), has traditional colors of red, white and black. The chiseled features are geometrically shaped and stylized to give the cut the same angularity of the carvings that originated in Africa. The same print style is visible in cloth artifacts that were also imported from the African areas and so-called primitive countries. Part of the rationale behind the primitivism work was an almost communist stance against the bourgeois sector of society [8]. There had been an increased interest in ‘visual metaphor’, pictures that expressed something from the inside: an innate spirituality. At this stage, modern art became profoundly political, shifting the meaning of art from simple decorative and esthetics to a complex vessel for expounding social interests. The modern world took on a different color during the early 1900’s, which led to the increased darkening of themes and images, but Heckel was a little different. The Expressionists, including Heckel drew inspiration from ‘primitive’ art for various reasons. These reasons included: counter-revolutionary reasons; new found freedom of thought; anti-capitalist protest; seeking the purest, most honest depiction of spirituality; fascination with ‘otherness’; exploration of the spontaneous; external expression of the inner emotion and philosophical creativity. The Art Nouveau movement had taken its expression from the decadent nature of estheticism. It was art for arts sake and had been a depiction of the environment at the time, but Expressionism behaved as a counter-revolutionary protest against the capitalist or ‘bourgeois’ society [10]. The Expressionists felt that materialistic society had degraded spirituality and inner connection in people in general. Together with a new found freedom of expression introduced by the likes of Picasso and Miro, Dali and even Duchamps, the Expressionists now felt that they could express their own opinions via art. As a result, there was an increased need for internal examination that stripped away the ostentatious outer layer of the Baroque and Romantic era. Primitive cultures had been particularly interested in the spiritual and found this spirituality in the simplest forms of art [10]. Arguably, the many layers humanity had added to themselves through material possession and fashion hid the inner emotional volcano the Expressionists wanted to uncover. The ‘primitive’ was largely unaffected by the material practices and therefore appeared to be a more honest way of expressing the suppressed emotion. It was also more based on instinct then on rationality [10]. The other key interest is in the concept of ‘otherness’. The fact that this particular form of art was largely unknown to the ‘civilized’ world was a curious thing for Europeans to acknowledge [10]. It added a freshness or ‘newness’ to the high-browed European art world. Modern artist Shastri Maharaj describes the obsession with primitiveness as being an interest in the bold colors and sharp outlines usually associated with the tools used to form the images. Artists such as Modigliani were particularly interested in Polynesian images, while Heckel was interested in the so-called ‘Bantu’ style of woodcarving. Either way they were both inspired by something that was new and unexplored [11]. Masks such as ‘death masks’ were images used in works that explored the nature of life and death, due in part to their austere beauty and also because they were unafraid of facing the inevitable. At this stage, psychiatry had also made a huge influence on society, with Sigmund Freud’s encouragement to face inner demons that include man’s inherent fear of death. What was termed ‘funerary’ art created a stir around the unknown and facing the unknown [11]. Ancestral worship had been an aspect of primitive art that was also seen as relatively unacceptable to Christian Europe. Robert Goldwater spent his life studying traditional art and the relationship between modern artists and their anthropological fascination with tribal and ancestral art. Even if one was to consider Salvador Dali’s depictions of animals and people with exaggerated limbs, we see an influence that it not unlike the North Eastern sculptures of Africa. Together with the Metropolitan Museum, they created an extensive resource of primitive art. A closer look at ritual art reveals at the Metropolitan Museum reveals that the ancient work was either of stone, wood or precious metals were richly patterned and elaborately colored. The relationship therefore between the modernist painters and the ancient world is visible in the brightly colored depictions of the artists such as Marc and Chagall. That Heckel took his inspiration from the African component of primitive art is evident since the majority of African art was produced in wood and ivory as opposed to the gold that is associated with the South American Indians. Some of the art was also indicative of the caste or rank of the people within the civilization and this proved to be a great difference in the material that was used by the individual artist during that time [12]. Ceremony was an integral part of their belief structure and could not be separated from their daily life in much the same way as the Greeks could not separate their idol-worship from their mere existence. It was this factor of belonging and having a purpose to life that the Expressionists found to be the missing link in European art. This was the factor they believed had distanced them from their own inner glory. As the Metropolitan Museum also reveals there was a heightened collectivity about these primitive artists, that they functioned in some form of hierarchal unity that no longer existed in, for instance, Nazi dominated Europe [12]. Da Vinci had been responsible for exploring the inner functioning of the human body, its bones and muscles, but prior to that, the human body was depicted in much the same way the African sculptures portrayed it to be: relatively shapeless. Women appeared however to always be portrayed as nubile, voluptuous and well-endowed, which is probably the archetype but not indicative of the average woman. These ‘fertility’ goddesses were presumed to bring good-fortune to child-bearing women and Heckel produced a number of lino and wood cuts bearing the semblance of these fecund women. As it can be perceived, the primitive world was one in which survival of a race, tribe of civilization was dependant on the amount of children born and even then, on how many survived. In modern Europe, the ‘race’ had already been established and the need to breed was not as great as the need to supplicate the need for material wealth. Cultural difference therefore lay in the status of the country at the time and although many of the works that inspired the likes of Heckel are form the Sudanese area, it is also the area of Africa which is still fighting the oldest war in Africa. The survival instinct is still as alive as it had been in ‘primitive’ times. The Indian component of ‘primitive art’ is visible in almost all of the Expressionist work, particularly that of Klee, whose aforementioned piece called Death and Fire, reveals the common obsession with death and the possibility of life thereafter. The Peruvian tribes such as the Moche provided artists with a clear glimpse into their entire grotesque world of death, burial and the afterlife. The Inca too, had profound images of death as well as the most famous sarcophagi of Egypt. The masks were meant to be a motif of the victim, but since the skill of copying the dead person was not quite as practiced as, Gainsborough or Lely, they were heavily stylized. Klee saw no reason to attempt to glamorize the process of death and going to hell in the way that perhaps Blake would have, but instead brought it down to what it really was: a primal fear. Modigliani’s work is well known to have been influenced by the Polynesian realms, and this is also seen not only in his subject matter but also in his cubist approach to the subject matter. A cotemporary of Picasso, he did not quite stylize his subject to the point of pure abstraction but used brightly colored flowers and luscious physical arrangements in a time when that was considered not only ‘kitsch’ but also inappropriate. The question was, did it make any difference when compared to the works of the also ridiculed Goya or even further back to Rubens? No, the problem was no the nude, but the nationality of the nude. The ‘otherness’ of the subject made them appear to be crude, basic and uncivilized to the Western eye, which of course, as they were not understood, could not have been the case. Similarly the work of Munch and Chagall were both based on religious iconography that was exhibited in the same way as perhaps the Bushmen cave paintings of Southern Africa. The pictures were bland except for the raw emotion that obviously courses through the paintings into the viewer. Whether of not you like The Scream or not makes not difference when you look at it because it affects you regardless of whether you see it as a ‘master’ work or not. This was the point of Expressionism and indeed of all Modern Art, the inner connection and ability to feel emotion whether it was anguish, fear, love or lust. These are all very basic emotions and basic feelings. If one looks a step further at the Impressionists, the same volatility of nature was the expressive part of the movement itself. It was beyond the self-obsessed need for fickle and wanton things, it was about capturing something; a time; a place that could never be seen in that way again. If we consider the art of ancient Greece, which could also be termed ‘primitive’, the effects it has had on modern art has been immense. It has not stopped instilling awe and wonder on the modern world, by its sheer ingenuity. Also obsessed with basic emotions, it made them not very different at all to the Aztecs of the Mayan empires, other than that it has been more widely preserved. Apart from the philosophical arguments regarding modern arts fascination with the primitive, it also gives us a sense of preserving what we have been given in knowledge and heritage from whatever angle we approach it. The primitive has always been with us, right down to our involuntary fight-or-flight reaction that we can never ignore. The basis for survival was very different and the means of producing the works we call ‘primitive’ today, was not purely for decorative or entertainment value. It had a specific purpose and part to play. As the modern human has become more in love with its own intelligence and more obsessed with its produce, it has begun to forget why it was put on earth in the first place. Artists, it could be argued are generally of the introverted, self-analyzing type and it could be that what modern art wanted to do, was to free them of the burden of emptiness. No doubt, the primitive instinct we find necessary for basic survival would kick in at some stage, but it doesn’t seem to be inherent anymore. It can be concluded that the ostentatious lifestyles modern man had created over the years for himself had gradually dug him into a pit of artistic stagnation and the meaning of art itself changed completely. Picasso had stood up against the Nazi’s in 1933 at the Paris Universal Exhibition when he painted the anti-Franco/Hitler painting Geurnica (1933) and the sensitive artist suddenly became the political activist. This is why, in art, music, literature, philosophy and even in science, we will always come back to the same conclusion and to the same means: we think therefore we are.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Education For All In Cambodia Education Essay

In nowadays universe matter, the provinces are seeking to vie the power with each other non merely by the military capableness like in the past clip, but they are most likely to vie in the economic development. Meanwhile the economic development of a state is chiefly contributed by many factors such as human resources, capital resources, engineering, and the authorities policyaˆÂ ¦etc. Human resources is the of import standards in the development of a state since engineering and authorities policy come from the human resourcea†Ã‹â€  educated people. Therefore, it means that instruction is really indispensable for the state development. Anyways, for a freshly become developing state such as Cambodia, better instruction is a critical sector for the authorities to accomplish in order to bring forth human resources for develop the state. The organisations such as, UNICEF, UNESCO, and the MDG has a strong relationship with the instruction for all in Cambodia. Before explicating the relation between those organisations and the instruction in Cambodia, we should hold a glimpse on the history of instruction. The traditional instruction in Cambodia was derived from local Wat ( pagoda ) that pupils were taught by bonzes. All pupils were male childs while misss were non allow traveling to Wat School. Many Wat Schools was besides called Pali schools that provided three old ages of simple instruction that pupils could take entryway into the Buddhist lycees and go on to Buddhist University in Phnom Penh. Many topics such as Pali of Buddhist and Khmer philosophy, Kampuchean history, geographics, scientific discipline, civics, , hygiene, mathematics and agribusiness were taught in the school ( instruction in Cambodia ) . Until 1863, when Gallic forced to protectorate Cambodia, owed to the fiscal and managerial grounds made French paid less attending to the reforming of instruction system in Cambodia while the program was made without any actions wer e taken. Under the Gallic associated state, Khmers were compelled to analyze in neighbouring states or in France, but in 1944 there was still merely one Khmer applied scientist in whole state. In add-on to that, because of the revenue enhancement policy made the people preferred their kids to remain at place and gain money to provide for their household populating instead than allowed their kids to travel to school to acquire cognition. On contrary, the station independency period was a aureate epoch of instruction development in Cambodia ; meanwhile, the instruction system was spread widely. King Sihanouk raised the profile of instruction by doing attending compulsory for the immature and actuating parents to direct their older kids to school every bit good. Furthermore, the King besides started a procedure of ‘Cambodianisation ‘ of the educational system that changed the linguistic communication of direction, the construction of classs and school text editions ( Berkvens, 2009 ) . In 1970, Cambodia universities have about 9,000 pupils that the Royal University of Phnom Penh hold the largest figure of studentsa†Ã‹â€  4,570 male and more than 730 female pupils in eight sections such as: scientific discipline and engineering, commercial scientific discipline, jurisprudence and economic sciences, letters and humanistic disciplines, pharmaceutics, medical specialty, teacher preparation, and higher ins tructor preparation ( instruction in Cambodia ) . Because of the spread of instruction, more people graduated, take to new job which is unemployment since the calibrated people are more than the needed occupation ( Berkvens, 2009 ) . Unfortunately, after the coming of the Khmer Rouge government on April 17th, 1975 Pol Pot wholly changed the instruction system in Cambodia that they abandoned the schoolroom, books, and most of the educated people were killed. One Khmer Rouge cell said: â€Å" Under our system, we do n't necessitate to direct our immature people to school. The farm is our school. The land is our paper. The Big Dipper is our pen. We will compose by plowing † ( Berkvens, 2009 ) . After Pol Pot government there are merely 5000 of 20000 instructors ( instruction in Cambodia ) . After Pol Pot government collapsed, there was another dark age of Cambodia under the Vietnamese business. In the early 1980s ; nevertheless, the instruction system in Cambodia improved somewhat that primary and secondary instruction plans were re-opened, but merely to pupils those who can afford to the school fee while the lesson was taught in veitnamese ( Sheldon ) . After 30 old ages of reforming the state, the Kampuchean authorities has been seeking to give the population higher instruction system as we can see below about the changing in the instruction system, the consequence of reforming, and the farther reforming instruction policy. First, harmonizing to the UNESCO study, the instruction system in Cambodia is divided into 5 stages: pre-primary instruction, primary instruction ( grade 1-6 ) , lower secondary instruction ( grade7-9 ) , upper secondary instruction ( grade 10-12 ) , and higher instruction. Six old ages of primary instruction and three old ages of lower secondary instruction make up the state ‘s basic instruction proviso. After finishing upper secondary instruction, pupils can either enter vocational preparation ( which lasts for one to three old ages depending on the programmes ) or universities ( which offer biennial associate grade programmes, four-year unmarried man ‘s degree programmes, and seven-year medical pr ogrammes ) . The Non-formal Education plan plays an of import function in supplying literacy and life accomplishment programmes, every bit good as short-run vocational preparation to school dropouts and grownups ( Haddad, 2008 ) . Second, the Education Strategic Plan ( ESP ) and the Education Sector Support Program ( ESSP ) 2006-2010 of the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport have been developed to react to the rectangular scheme of the authorities to accomplish the ends of the national program for Education for All ( EFA ) and Kampuchean Millennium Development Goals ( CMDG ) . After pattern the program, there has been an increased entree to instruction services with equity in all instruction establishments and all school degrees. The pupils ‘ registration in primary schools is stable while there has been a singular addition in secondary school degree ( Moeys, 2009 ) . Furthermore, the wide reform in instruction has increased primary school with the registration of rural fem ale pupils, handicapped people, and autochthonal people. In add-on to that, the instructor public presentation has besides increased with many non-formal plans were introduced. Furthermore, the quality of instruction has besides improved by new learning accomplishments, trial system, and the criterion of schools ( moeys ) . Third, even though there is the development in the instruction system compare to the yesteryear, the instruction in Cambodia has non fulfilled the demand to develop the state yet ; hence, the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport did present to strategic program in reforming the instruction in Cambodia which is Education for all National Plan 2003-2015. The National Plan of Education for All spells out comprehensive proficient and fiscal programs concentrating on ( 1 ) gender antiphonal schemes, ( 2 ) early childhood attention and development, ( 3 ) formal basic instruction, and ( 4 ) non-formal instruction and grownup literacy. The program focuses on both quanti ty enlargement and quality/relevance of the programmes ( Lah, 2002 ) . Furthermore, the schemes include scholarship strategies for the rural hapless to increase the transitional rate from primary to take down secondary ; capacity-building of both learning and non-teaching staff through pre-service and in-service preparation, and monitoring of larning results ( Haddad, 2008 ) . Unlike many other developing states in Southeast Asia, Cambodia has been through many epochs and governments that make the state experienced the prosperity and decline in the instruction systema†Ã‹â€  the loss of human resources ( chet, 2006 ) . However, through the period of reforming and developing the state after recovered from the war, societal and political instability, Cambodia now is traveling toward the higher instruction system every bit good as the economic development. On the other manus, the wholly self-reforming for the state that has merely recovered from war as Cambodia is impossible since there is the deficiency of human resources, fiscal support every bit good as scheme. Therefore, in term of developing the state, Cambodia needs the aid from other people. As a consequence, there are besides 3 noteworthy histrions who involved in reforming the instruction system such as: UNESCO, UNICEF, and the MDGs. First of all, UNESCO ( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ) was established on 16 November 1945. It stated the aims to advance peace and security through international cooperation on instruction, scientific discipline, and civilization in order to foster cosmopolitan regard for justness, the regulation of jurisprudence, and the human rights along with cardinal freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter. In term of instruction, UNESCO seeks to â€Å" supply educational chances and offer proficient aids to give the opportunity of having the equal instruction for all people ; furthermore, UNESCO besides help the member more easy to accomplish the ends by supervising the advancement through the submitting of one-year Global Monitoring Report which show the accomplishments of states and the international community towards the six Educations for All ends † ( UNESCO ) . The UNESCO has being played really of import for Cambodia since 1951 when Cambodia joined this organisation. Particularly, in instruction, UNESCO has provided comprehensive coordination and proficient aid to the MoEYS for the constitution of six relevant EFA proficient working groups. UNESCO has besides assisted MoEYS in the preparation and constitution of the national instruction policy and scheme to make out to broader populations at all degrees. And a figure of instruction policies were created such as: the National EFA Action Plan, the National Non-Formal Education Policy 2002, the National Plan of Action for Non-Formal Education 2008 and the Policy on Non-Formal Education Equivalency Programme 2008aˆÂ ¦etc. Furthermore, UNESCO assisted the MoEYS in explicating and circulating the Teacher Development Plan to instructors, instructor associations, and teacher preparation establishments, and recommending for the rights of instructors by supplying proficient aid and the information for learning. More, UNESCO has assisted with the Equivalency Programme Policy prepara tion and CLC enlargement and operation by bring forthing and circulating a Khmer version of CLC direction enchiridion to NFE policymakers and practicians, and besides by back uping Cambodians in assorted regional preparation workshops ( UNESCO, 2010 ) . Second, UNICEF ( United Nation International Children ‘s Emergency Fund ) besides helps in determining the instruction quality in Cambodia. UNICEF was created on December 11, 1946 in order to provide exigency nutrient and health care to kids in states that had affected by World War II. UNICEF besides seeks for the security and development for kids and female parents in developing states. Particularly, UNICEF ‘s plans emphasize developing community-level services to better the kids good being. Therefore, UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 and the Prince of Asturias Award of Concord in 2006. For instruction, UNICEF ‘s plant is to â€Å" accomplish equal chance for every kids around the universe to acquire the instruction, distribute of the Essential Learning Package, set the criterions of instruction system, empower adult females through misss ‘ instruction and gender equality, supply exigencies and post-crisis instruction that measure rapidly adv ance better instruction by offer the self-learning plan, grant critical equipments and supplies for the basic needs to seek instruction, and enhance quality in primary and secondary instruction to assist better the school substructure every bit good as the instruction properity † ( UNICEF ) . Refering on the instruction in Cambodia, UNICEF started to collaborate the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport ( MoEYs ) since the late eightiess with the common aim to give the right of all Kampuchean kids for acquiring quality basic instruction. UNICEF has besides participated in puting national policies, constructing up Ministry capacities, bettering quality of primary instruction system, and easing instruction service to six of Cambodia ‘s 24 states. In add-on to that, UNICEF has accompanied with the MoEYs to lend to the instruction system in Cambodia through many factors such as, increased the outgo for develop the instruction system every bit good as the ministry capablenes s to better the quality of instruction. Furthermore, the UNESCO has besides helped to reenforce MoEYS ability to self-reform the system under SWAp ( the rules of a sector-wide attack ) by increasing assurance of internal staffs. The Ministry has implementing the ESP/ESSP 2006-2010 without external aids and with small proficient support from the givers. In add-on to that, the cooperation has win in addition the entree to primary school with narrow the gender spread that have increased the figure of registration of female pupil more than half in 2002. Furthermore, Education Law was drafted in 2003 by the MOEYs under the influence of the UNSECO. What is more, primary instruction quality has besides up surged both pupils and instructors ‘ quality through decentralized planning, direction and monitoring procedure ( Moeys, 2010 ) . Third, the last organisation that has meaning function in developing Cambodia instruction is UNDP under the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) . The MDGs ‘ end is to cut down universe poorness by half by 2015. Many people can profit from the economic system development and some other people life can be saved from the harmful of the poorness. The MDGs are â€Å" time-bound and targeted end that has a set a limited for the ends to accomplish by covering with the utmost poorness such as: hungriness, income poorness, unequal shelter, disease and exclusion ; furthermore, it was created to promote instruction, gender equality and environmental sustainability base on the rights of every people to have wellness protection, shelter instruction, and security as guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Millennium Declaration † ( UNDP ) . Furthermore, the MDGs attempt to advance the gender quality of primary and secondary educational system by 2005 and a t all degree by 2015 ( wikipedia ) . MDG has besides put a batch of attempt in developing instruction system in Cambodia as it has set many plans for the reforming instruction in the rural communities such as ; Highland Children ‘s Education Undertaking that established school in rural country by the communities human resources, Bending Bamboo with supplying the instruction for out of school misss and the bilingual linguistic communications category with the local instructor, Child Friendly Secondary Schools is a plan that the town pupils help the rural pupil for their surveies, and Provide proficient aid to the Provincial Office of Education in the three states that are retroflexing the theoretical account of bilingual instruction. Supply proficient advice to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport ( UNDP policy, 2010 ) . Consequently, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the MDGs have done a batch of occupation in reforming and developing the instruction in Cambodia. As a consequence, Kampuchean new coevals have enjoyed the better instruction than in the yesteryear that most of kids have the opportunity to travel to school and seek for the cognition without the favoritism of the gender in both urban and rural country. And the developed in instruction system has besides contributed to the economic development, human wellbeing, and the better instruction as the ends of the UNESCO, UNICEF, every bit good as the MDGs. Likewise, we can cognize that all these organisations are the bureaus of the United Nations who plays the of import function in the administration of the planetary matter. The UN is the chief histrion in work outing the jobs in international matter such as human-centered, peace maintaining, peace edifice, developmentaˆÂ ¦etc. In term of Cambodia, after the war period the United Nations has sent its bur eau, for illustration: UNTAC, for peace maintaining in Cambodia. Besides, after guaranting the peace in the state the UN started to direct other bureaus such as ; UNESCO, UNICEF, and UNDP to make the development in the state that first precedence is reforming the instruction system. The function of the UN ‘s bureaus in Cambodia has shown the duty in one of the state in the universe as the action of the planetary administration for the development. In add-on to that, the actions are non merely taken in Cambodia as it is besides done in other portion of the universe such as: other states in Asia, Africa where the aid is needed. Therefore, the planetary administration mission is the complex and hard occupation to make since it required covering with all the job in planetary matter, and in Cambodia development is needed the aid from the UN ‘s bureaus such as: UNESCO, UNICEF, and MDGs for constructing the human resource by foremost better the instruction for all.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Funeral Eulogy for a Roman Wife

The primary source is a funeral eulogy written in the 1st century B.C. by the husband of a woman who had just passed away. The eulogy is intended to praise the character and actions of the wife in front of those that had gathered at her funeral, who would most likely be people belonging to the same upper class of Roman society. The eulogy both reveals the type of person Turia was when she was alive and provides insight into the standard behavior expected of women by men, particularly among men and women that were wealthy. Perhaps there existed different expectations of poor women since they did not perform the same duties. Though, there are certainly some basic standards that all women were held to as revealed by the primary source. While Turia's qualities certainly match those possessed by other women of that time, some of her actions break from tradition entirely. Since the eulogy is written by the husband, someone who would have been one of the closest people to Turia, the document can certainly be believed, to an extent. There may have been some slight exaggerations seeing as how the woman had just passed away and the purpose of the eulogy was to highlight her admirable qualities. Turia, the Roman wife, is described as possessing the virtues of â€Å"loyalty, obedience†¦reasonableness†¦religion without superstition†¦[and] modesty of appearance† (LT 30). The virtue â€Å"religion without superstition† in particular may perhaps be praising her knowledge and understanding since she is able to differentiate between what is real and what is not. These virtues she possessed are a testament to her great character, however they are not unlike the virtues held by other women at the time. The husband states she shares many other similar commendable qualities â€Å"with all married women who care for their good name† (LT 34), thus implying that she is like any other wealthy Roman wife who cares a great deal about maintaining a good reputation and standing in society. The husband twice states that Turia's sister is just as worthy of praise as she is and that they are â€Å"equal† (LT 43), which further emphasizes the point that the traits Turia possessed were not unique, but rather the standard among elite women. The husband does, however, state that she is different in that she has faced difficult and rare circumstances that have allowed her to showcase her praiseworthy qualities. Such circumstances include having to fight against those who claimed her father's will was invalid. Turia had a â€Å"firm resolution† that aided her in ultimately resolving the issue in a way that favored her and thus allowing her to fulfill â€Å"[her] duty to [her] father, [her] devotion to [her] sister, and [her] faithfulness† towards her husband (LT 25-26). I believe this to be her most commendable quality. Clearly, the woman cared a great deal about family. Turia did not leave her parents' murder â€Å"unavenged† and was determined to carry out her father's last wishes by upholding his will (LT 5). She cared for her mother-in-law just as she would her own parents and also secured good marriages for her female relations through dowries in what her husband called â€Å"a spirit of generous family affection† (LT 42). Turia's devotion to family can be further shown by her distress at not being able to give birth. She was even willing for her husband to marry another so that he could have a child. She was entirely selfless and dutiful all throughout her life and it is clearly shown by her actions. The information revealed through the eulogy about Turia both coincides and differs from traditional views. Turia was devoted to protecting her family in any way she could, which concurs with the view of women being caretakers. However, Turia's way of taking care of her family breaks with the norm in that she did not simply stay at home and act after the damage had been done. For example, when a man named Milo and his troops attempted to seize the home of Turia and her husband, she â€Å"beat them back successfully† (LT 11a). The fact that Turia was entirely willing to divorce her husband so that he could have an heir coincides with the traditional idea of marriage being for sole purpose of lineage. However, both Turia and her husband break tradition by choosing to stay together despite the fact that they had no children. Their marriage, as stated by the husband, is also rare in that it lasted for 40 years and only ended because of death, not divorce (LT 27). Turia had a great character and that is undoubtedly shown by the deeds she performed and by the great amount of praise that her husband has towards her. She is both a leading example of an elite Roman woman and an exception to the norms of that time.