
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Are electronic games a legitimate sport

First of any Id desire to thanks you entirely for coming here today. My name is Yang Demount and I am from France. I am an exchange student In Nina university and I am majoring In craft administration. Today we are passing game to ask ourselves if electronic games are a legitimate sport. Id like to ask you to keep any questions you may gain for the end of the presentation First of all, what is a sport? Sport description Sport come from the middle aged word dessert, which mean distraction, sensible or mental pleasureAccording to sport accord, the umbrella organization for all Olympics and non- Olympics sports, a sport is defined as an activity that project an gene of rivalry is in no way harmful to any living savage do not rely on any luck element specifically designed into the sport Now we are going to chink what does make electronic games a sport. ? First, we have to say that we are going to take only a limited amount of video games Statecraft, instance 3, data, group discussion of legend, counter strike, quake.I only selected ere video games I know, and which are compete on computer. Also, I am going to refer Cybernetic pro League gentlemans gentleman Cyber Games Major League Gaming Electronic Sports World Cup World exports Games CUP china now WAG Korea groin North America SEWS France HEM Asia/clan There are in any case world championships specific to each game. For example, last Saturday, there where the final of fusion of legend In the staples center, In the united States Because there are competitions, there are in addition a lot of things which are like tralatitious sports.TEAM. On league of legend, the best one is SST TTL . Here are also coaches, and transfer between team, just like the football Mercado. Also, as you whoremonger see in the team name, there are many sponsors. For example, as I said, tam names are SST TTL, Samsung ozone and NANJING black sword, In league of legend. Those we call sportsman are those video games profe ssionals. And they do train like professional. They play 10-12 hour a day at their game they have a coach, speak about strategy, counter strategy, and practice hard to be on the top. Exactly likeMess and Ronald would do. Why video games are a beware game? There is a lot of data professional doer have to learn by heart. For Statecraft for example, they have to lean all units strength and weaknesses, spells, they have to gather resources and watch their population Limit, create units to set on the enemy base and In the same teamwork and focus. Because electronic games do pock the definition of sport, because chess are a mind sport and electronic games requires as preparation and focus than playing chess they have to be considered as a sport.

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