Friday, February 22, 2019
Alcohol and College Students Essay
Excessive potable by college scholarly persons has become a hearty pheno menon in which College students do non acknowledge the health risks that argon involved with their excessive drinkable habits. Further more(prenominal), college students do not know comme il faut about intoxicantic bever advanceic drinkic drink in commonplace and what exactly it does to the body or they do not pay attention to the protestation given to them. in that respect take to be a complete saturation on the campuses, with the uphold of businesses and the media, expressing how excessive swallow is not attractive and not soci bothy accepted.A report from GSU seeks to explore all aspects of inebriant tread related to college students done explanations and statistical problems of intoxicant abuse in hopes of lastly providing solutions to increasing the health at gallium Southern University. One of the biggest problems with educational institutions in the unite States is alcohol abuse amo ng college students. College students across the United States end up wanting crystalize, having unprotected ride, damaging property, and getting injured as a resultant of abusing alcohol.Also the health risks involved with round or excessive drunkenness is very customary and risky for whatsoever college student who chooses to abuse alcohol. in addition alcohol poisoning, there are many targetcers and affections associated with alcohol abuse that ultimately lead to death. Liver cancer, breast cancer, and skin cancer can all be associated with alcohol abuse. Also heart and liver disease can be associated with alcohol abuse. Ultimately the over all wellness among Colleges and Universities in the United States barfs dramatically when alcohol is abused. The abuse of alcohol among college students has a designate correlation to socialization.Students who go to college believe that binge or excessive beverage is a social norm. That when you go off to college its sentenc e to not only get a degree, only when also a time to drink and socialize at parties. In the end, alcohol is glamorized and often decent abused. Ultimately alcohol becomes so much of a social norm that students do not realize how and when alcohol is shameful. Therefore the problem is how to inform students in a socially acceptable manner of how and when alcohol becomes abusive to their experience well being. Most college students think of alcohol as that catchpenny(prenominal) high they get to obtain on the weekends at social events called parties. discerning what alcohol really is and what exactly it can do to your body in excessive occurs over time and in any one seance is one of the main problems with why college students abuse alcohol. The social norm of binge or excessive drinking in college is prevailing over the social fact of what alcohol really is and what it can do to a mortals health There are many definitions associated with alcohol and alcohol abuse in general th at need to be clarified. The actual definition of alcohol is a liquid di simmer downed product of fermented fruits, grains, and vegetables used as a solvent, antiseptic and sedative.The possible effects of alcohol would include intoxication, sensorial alteration, and anxiety reduction. Symptoms of overdose would include staggering, loss of coordination, slurred speech, dilated pupils, and nerve and liver damage. Indications of possible misuse would include confusion, disorientation, convulsions, shock, drowsiness, respiratory depression, and possible death. College students are crushed as to what is considered alcohol abuse and manifestly inebriation. The confusion between the definitions of alcohol abuse and alcoholism leads to many misconceptions or myths among college students about alcoholics.College students who abuse alcohol seem to be able to drink excessively each and each weekend and consider themselves not to be alcoholics or not in endanger of becoming alcoholics. Co llege students who are binge or excessive drinkers are able to avoid being labeled an alcoholic be answer its so socially acceptable in college to drink and drink often. The distinction is that when drinking begins to interfere with any aspect of a persons emotional state its considered alcohol abuse. And when drinking becomes addictive, either psychologically or physically, its considered alcoholism.Alcohol abuse, if left untreated, can very easily progress into alcoholism. Most college students believe the myth that lot who are morally fatigued or have emotional problems are the ones who can become alcoholics. Whereas the truth is that studies show there are no particular personality traits that cause alcoholism to occur. Whats important is how much and how often someone drinks, not what kind of person they are. Ultimately college students are setting themselves up to become the alcoholics of the future because they drink when their depressed, stressed about school work, and t o simply have a so called good time.The social acceptance of drinking alcohol in college statistically makes alcohol abuse among college students one of the biggest problems among educational institutions in the United States. Statistically alcohol has caused a wealth of casualty and death across the United States just among college students. According to the Core Institute, an disposal that surveys college drinking practices, 300,000 of todays college students will eventually die of alcohol-related causes much(prenominal) as drunk driving accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, various cancers, and heart disease.In addition drinking and driving has been reported by 60% of college men and 50% of college women who are binge drinkers. Also 75% of potent students and 55% of female students involved in acquaintance rape had been drinking at the time. Between 75% and 90% of all force on campuses is alcohol related. Alcohol is a factor in 66% of student suicides and 60% of all sexually-t ransmitted diseases. Besides just misfortunes and deaths among college students who abuse alcohol there is plenty of academic statistics that shows how alcohol affects a students performance in the classroom.It is a miracle how some students can go out and drink as much as they do and alleviate get their work done and eventually graduate. On the over achieve some students are not as fortunate as to get going drinking alcohol excessively for five years of their college career and still graduate. An alarming 159,000 of todays first year college students will drop out of school next year for alcohol related conditions. approximately one-third of college students admit to having missed at least one class because of their alcohol use, and nearly one-quarter of students report bombing a test or project because of the aftereffects of drinking.Also it has been reported that students who drink excessively block off their ability to think abstractly in class for up to tierce or four da ys after drinking. Alcohol abuse by college students really puts America far behind certain other countries such as China in academics when our U. S. students abuse alcohol more than any other country. Health related issues college students who abuse alcohol are more likely to also obtain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as well.Because roughly colleges these days are coed and alcohol is placed between young men and women were the social norm is to drink the chances for STDs to arise is very prevalent. College students spend $5. 5 billion dollars on alcohol and drink an estimated 4 billion cans of beer yearly. The measure amount of alcohol consumed by college students each year is 430 million gallons, large(p) for every college and university in the United States to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool. Mix this amount of alcohol consumption in between young men and women away from their parents for the first time and what you have is STD heaven.As many as 70% of college stu dents admit to having engaged in sexual activity primarily as a result of being under the influence of alcohol, or to having sex they wouldnt have had if they had been sober. An outstanding 60% of college women who are infect with STDs, including genital herpes and AIDS, report that they were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse with the infected person. According to the Center for affection Control, 1 in 1500 college students is human immunodeficiency virus positive, and the fastest-growing populations of American people infected with HIV are teenagers and young Adults in college.From all the statistics reported above, extremely large amounts of college students still abuse alcohol. There must be a reason why and new solutions ought to be considered. The statistics reported above have been in print for at least a year or dickens and educated students in college must have heard something about them, but these statistics still do not create a great enou gh awareness to cut down on the ever growing skid of alcohol abuse by college students.Part of this is due do to the wish of knowledge that college students have about alcohol abuse in general and that college students really do not know when and how alcohol is abusive to their own well being. Part of this is due to the fact that drinking alcohol is the socially acceptable cool thing to do in college, which causes more people to abuse alcohol on a regular basis. The most prevalent thing is how cheap it is for college students to obtain alcohol in college and how much the media exposes college students to the intellection that drinking alcohol is a social norm.Beer manufacturers spend an estimated $15-20 million annually to promote their products to college students. Simply offering scare tactics about alcohol abuse with impressive statistics and banged up cars really does not work entirely to reduce the amount of excessive drinking going on in college. Successful solutions must be collaborative in nature. In conclusion, alcohol abuse among college students is a social phenomena that is currently normative in nature.In other words, most everyone going to college and most everyone already in college confront to drink excessive amounts of alcohol because its socially accepted, and therefore college students do not view their excessive drinking habits as a problem. In order to fix social phenomena you must create a greater social phenomenon to take its place. There must be collaboration among students and faculty, local media and advertising companies, and local businesses to send out the message that excessive drinking is not socially cool or normative at all.Georgia Southern University recommended that education about excessive drinking should begin with kids in middle school and continue throughout high school. The local media needs to stop advertising how easy and cheap it is to obtain alcohol and suck in advertising how unsocial it is to be a drunk. Lo cal businesses that sell alcohol need to work with colleges and the media to cut down on under age drinking and stop selling alcohol so cheap. Bibliography A Students bunk www. glness. com www2. gasou. edu www. factontap. org.
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